Universal Chairman’s Note – Remaining vigilant in opposition of ATC privatization

PT 2 M minute read

As you may have read recently, Air Traffic Control privatization is once again on the table following the release of the White House and the Office of Management and Budget’s reorganization of the federal government plan.

The good news
This proposal has already failed multiple times. Reintroduced in late June, it has once again met stiff opposition, not just from associations like NBAA, AOPA, EAA, GAMA, HAI and NATA, but also from several members of Congress.

The bad news
No matter how many times we seem to “defeat” ATC privatization – which would cause irreparable harm to business aviation and potentially our livelihoods – like a character from a horror movie, it continues to rise from the dead again and again. This is thanks to the efforts of lobbyists from groups who would benefit – such as the commercial airlines – which continue to push and advocate for it.

Remaining vigilant in opposition and standing by when needed
The best way we can help ensure this disastrous legislation continues to go nowhere is to remain vigilant by joining over 200 aviation organizations, over 100 business leaders, 100 U.S. mayors, consumer and agricultural groups, conservative think tanks, and the majority of Americans already opposing it.

I encourage all of you to continue to follow the news on this issue and follow NBAA’s and other association’s efforts to unite against ATC privatization, and to be ready in the event we must once again re-launch opposition efforts with our elected leaders. Remember, we need everyone’s involvement when the time comes. Please don’t believe others are contacting Congress so you don’t have to. It will take everyone.

An informed and united business aviation industry is a strong one. Thank you in advance for your efforts and be on the lookout for more communications and next steps should this issue begin to gain traction.


Greg Evans
Universal Weather and Aviation, Inc.

2013-2017 Chairman, NBAA Associate Member Advisory Committee (AMAC) & NBAA Board Member

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