Business Aviation Trip Planning Tips: Brisbane G20 Leaders’ Summit

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Business Aviation Trip Planning Tips: Brisbane G20 Leaders' Summit

Brisbane, Australia is host city for the G20 Leaders’ Summit in 2014. The Summit will be held November 15 and 16 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in the city’s central business district, South Bank. Brisbane’s upcoming G20 event is expected to attract up to 4,000 delegates. There will be increased demand for aviation including aircraft parking and services, during this period, and temporary road closures will be in effect for South Bank and to/from the airport. To maximize aircraft parking, service, and support options, and to avoid potential operating delays, it’s best to confirm arrangements early if you’re attending this event.

If you are planning on operating your business aircraft into Brisbane and/or surrounding areas during this event, the following is an overview of what you need to know:

1. Airport options for this event

The primary airport for General Aviation (GA) for the 2014 G20 Leader’s Summit is Brisbane Intl (YBBN). Brisbane Archerfield (YBAF) is also available, but this is not an Airport of Entry (AOE) and only has a 4,826-foot runway. Other airports to consider, in the event parking becomes an issue at YBBN, include Gold Coast (YBCG) and Sydney Intl (YSSY) at 51 nautical Miles (NM) and 412 NM, respectively, from YBBN.

2. YBBN considerations

YBBN is 24-hour AOE for Stage 3 aircraft operations. Note that Stage 2 aircraft are banned from this field. It’s also important to note that peak hours for YBBN are 0600-1000 local, 1130-1300 local, and 1730-1900 local. Ground handling, aviation fuel, in-flight catering and other services are available at this airport, and credit arrangements can be made.

3. YBBN requires airport slots but not PPRs

While YBBN does not have Prior Permission Requirements (PPRs), airport slots are needed for all arrivals/departures. The Airport Coordination Australia office is responsible for processing all airport slot requests. It’s recommended that you have your 3rd-party provider or ground handler submit your airport slot requests. Airport slot deviation is +/- 15 minutes of approved arrival/departure time.

4. Customs information and documentation

Although YBBN is a 24-hour airport, normal operating hours for customs are 0500-2359 local. Customs, Immigration, and Quarantine (CIQ) clearance outside these hours can be arranged, but requests must be submitted well in advance of operation. Once customs arrangements have been secured, any schedule changes, in excess of +/- 30 minutes, should be notified to customs at least 24 hours in advance.

Per customs regulations, aircraft with 10 or more people onboard (crew and passengers) must shut down power upon arrival. All crew, passengers, and baggage will go to the international terminal to clear customs. After clearance is complete, the aircraft must be repositioned to the GA parking area. Aircraft with fewer than 10 people (including crew members and passengers) onboard may be permitted to clear customs planeside or at a private lounge. A formal request for this service, however, should be submitted a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Note that planeside or private lounge clearance during early morning hours may be denied due to limited availability of customs agents. Be aware that, while CIQ clearance isn’t required for domestic travel within Australia, customs reserves the right to inspect aircraft, crew, or passenger documents at any time.

Australian customs requires certain information to be sent in advance: crew member and passenger names, dates of birth, nationalities, and passport numbers and expiration dates. A stamped general declaration from the previous airport is also required for all aircraft arriving into Australia, regardless of the origin country. There are no exceptions to this rule. Also, it’s important to note that ground handlers are prohibited from filling out paperwork for crew members and passengers in advance.

5. Agricultural limitations

No fresh or unprocessed food can be brought into Australia. These types of food will be removed from the aircraft and put into quarantine waste bins. Unless prior arrangements have been made for food that is appropriately sealed, or packed in dry ice, it may also be removed from the aircraft upon arrival.

6. Aviation fuel recommendations

For fuel uplifts at YBBN, it’s recommended that at least two business days’ notice be provided to the fueler. Airport fuelers are normally booked with airline contracts 0600-1000 local and 1500-2100 local, and GA operators should expect delays for fueling during these hours. Hydrant fuel is difficult to obtain, and advance arrangements must be made. There are three local intoplane fuelers at YBBN. Each fueler has only one fuel truck, with a capacity of 16,000 liters (4,220 gallons). Note that the airport fuel farm is some distance away – a 30-minute round-trip drive from the ramp – so it’s best that operators plan, when possible, on uplifting less than 16,000 liters. If you require a larger fuel volume, plan on one to two hours to complete the uplift. Alternatively, it’s recommended to uplift 16,000 liters upon arrival and the remainder on day of departure.

7. Complying with ADS-B requirements

Australia was the first country to mandate Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) requirements for a large part of its airspace. There are very few exemptions available to this mandate. For more information on the latest ADS-B requirements for Australia, please see our article entitled “Business Aviation ADS-B Updates – Changes Over the Last Few Months.”

8. Landing permits may be needed for Australia

Depending on the type of flight – particularly if you’re operating a charter – you may require a landing permit for your trip to Australia. For more information on permit requirements, please see our article entitled “Understanding Flight Permits and PPRs in Australia.”

9. More information

For more information on operations to Australia, please see our other articles on Australia ops published on this blog.


While we anticipate that YBBN will be able to accommodate all or most GA traffic to the 2014 Leader’s Summit, it’s important for operators to be aware of all their options. It’s best that operators work with their 3rd-party provider and local ground handler early in the trip planning process in order to confirm the best parking, aircraft services, and local transport options. Always consider fuel uplift requirements and plan for this prior to day of departure.


If you have any questions about this article or would like assistance planning your trip to Australia, contact me at

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