Caribbean Business Aviation Guide: 2024-2025 Peak Season Planning Tips

ALERT: Important Update for Costa Rica Ops this Fall/Winter
Severe parking shortages are expected in Costa Rica for the upcoming holiday season. San Jose (MROC) and Liberia (MRLB) announced restrictions from Dec 22, 2024, to Jan 25, 2025. San Jose (MROC) will not be accepting any General Aviation overnight parking or parking between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm every day. Liberia (MRLB) will not be accepting any General Aviation overnight parking and will only accept parking between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm for turnarounds with a maximum period of 2 hours, dependent on availability. If you plan to arrive during those hours, we have worked with neighboring airports for parking solutions, but resources are limited.
Operators are urged to submit parking requests immediately, even for future flights. Provide tentative schedules for Nov-Dec 2024 and Jan 2025 to Universal Aviation Costa Rica. Our blog has more.
As the fall and winter temperatures drop across the Northern Hemisphere, flocks of tourists descend upon the crystalline waters and picturesque beaches of the Caribbean islands to relax, recharge, and engage in leisurely island time. While the pace may be slow and the vibe laid-back on the islands themselves, for operators of business jets traveling to the region during the islands’ peak season, challenges such as limited parking, hotels, and fuel can create operational risk and stress.
Here’s everything you need to know to ensure your missions run smoothly.
Peak travel period

You can review the airport’s peak travel seasons in Feasibility-IQ.
Peak travel season in the Caribbean is from late November through mid-April. Extreme peak travel conditions occur over major holidays and long weekends, including New Year, Christmas and Spring break. General Aviation (GA) traffic movements throughout this region are much higher than normal during peak and super-peak periods when airports often reach saturation levels.
Popular destinations
During peak season, many locations become extremely busy, including St. Maarten (TNCM), St. Thomas (TIST), Nassau (MYNN), Georgetown (MWCR), Antigua (TAPA), Tortola (TUPJ), Providenciales (MBPV), Bridgetown (Barbados) (TBPB), Anguilla (TQPF), Montego Bay (MKJS), Santo Domingo (MDSD), La Romana (MDLR), San Juan (TJSJ) and Anguilla (TQPF). Ramp congestion also occurs at smaller destinations such as popular Nevis (TKPN), with its 4,003-foot runway, and smaller outer islands in the Bahamas.
Parking and access challenges
During high season, GA access to many destinations becomes more challenging, with additional trip planning lead time recommended. For example, TNCM experiences peak periods of scheduled commercial operations 1200-1700 local time – presenting GA access issues. TIST also fills up from time to time with no GA parking availability. TLPC has limited ramp space and strictly adheres to sunrise-sunset hours. Note that early parking submissions during peak months do not guarantee a spot, as most locations begin allotting spots nearer to the operation date. This is an important consideration for hotel bookings that may be non-refundable.
Airport curfews and delays
Always be mindful of airport curfews and closure times. While some airports are open 24 hours, many close early – some at sunset. Airport overtime may be an option at specific locations, but it’s at the airport authority’s discretion to grant approval. Expect delays at popular Caribbean locations during high season due to traffic volumes; for this reason, it’s best to have an alternate airport in mind. Sometimes, the closest alternate may experience similar congestion or restrictions; always confirm that your alternate has the services, local transport, and crew accommodations available to handle your needs.
Drop and go’s
At popular islands during peak season, it may be necessary to drop passengers and reposition due to a lack of overnight parking and/or crew accommodations. In some cases, you may be able to find aircraft parking on a nearby island, perhaps a reposition to TAPA after dropping passengers at TNCM, and in other cases, repositions stateside are the best solution.
Ground handling
Depending on your destination, GA support services range from fixed-base operators (FBO) to handlers working out of small terminal facilities with potential ground support equipment (GSE) limitations. While in-flight caterers are available at some larger Caribbean destinations, there are many islands where it is standard operating procedure (SOP) to source catering directly from hotels or restaurants. In such cases, it is important to ensure food safety, keep hot and cold foods within particular temperatures, and have container sizes appropriate for galley re-heating refrigeration equipment.
Fuel considerations
Fuel runs out from time to time at some Caribbean locations. This information is typically available via NOTAM. As there may be pop-up fuel issues or restricted fuel uplift quantities from time to time at various destinations, it is recommended to tanker in enough fuel to make it to an alternate uplift location. Many operators choose to depart the U.S. with sufficient fuel for the return trip.
Tech stops

Barbados FBO Universal Aviation
Though islands can at times have limited resources or personnel, there are quick-turn tech stop options in this region, including Barbados (TBPB), Antigua (TAPA), Montego Bay (MKJS), and San Juan (TJSJ). To expedite the tech stop, it is recommended to avoid peak periods of commercial aircraft activity and to pre-advise handlers of fuel and other service requirements. Commercial traffic always has fuel and ground service priority over GA.
No overflight permits are required in this region other than for Cuba and for Central American countries bordering the Caribbean.
NOTE: Effective June 2019, general aviation N-registered aircraft operating under FAA Part 91 are no longer authorized to travel to Cuba, directly or indirectly, from the U.S. or another country. N-registered private and corporate aircraft in general aviation are no longer eligible for the license exception AVS to Cuba, and a Temporary Sojourn license will be required from BIS for travel to the country.
However, and most importantly, the final rule states, “such licenses will be issued only in extraordinary circumstances. Thus, non-commercial aircraft and non-cargo vessels generally will be prohibited from going to Cuba.”
For the latest information on travel to Cuba, please see our article on this blog.
Certain Caribbean locations mandate landing permits for charter, with a typical lead time of four to five business days and only standard aircraft documentation required. Permit lead times differ considerably, and some Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) strictly enforce official lead time mandates. For charter operations to French territories, including the island of Martinique, you’ll also need to complete a French Operating Questionnaire. Note that both the Bahamas and Jamaica require charter operators to submit special applications with landing permit requests. These applications include information on the operator and the flight, as well as the ground handler used. Note that some of these countries, including Barbados and the Bahamas, offer annual landing permits. This gives charter operators the right to make multiple trips without having to apply for a permit each time. Speak to your 3rd-party provider to determine if your destination offers these permits.
Territorial considerations

Fort-Saint-Louis, Fort-de-France, Martinique, French Antilles
The islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique are both French territories, and the requirements to operate to these locations are the same as operating to France. For charter operations, no pilot may be over age 65, but a pilot aged 60-64 may fly as second in command (SIC). Additionally, charter operators must complete a Foreign Operator Questionnaire (FOQ) prior to operation and have it approved by French CAA. This can take a week or two to accomplish if this is the first application.
Documentation requirements
Other than for Cuba, there are no mandates for private operators to submit documentation before arrival. However, charter operators must always provide CAA with specific documentation in advance. While requirements vary from island to island, charter operators may need to provide documents such as:
- Air Operator Certificate
- Third-party worldwide insurance
- Airworthiness certificate
- Registration certificate
- Ops specs (pages: A001, A003, B050 and D085)
- When applicable, proof of permission by the State of registry to offer non-scheduled air transport operations to air ambulance operations
- Noise certificate
Visa requirements
Depending upon your destination in the Caribbean, visas may be required for certain nationalities. It’s always best to check with your 3rd-party provider well in advance of the day of operation on any applicable crew or passenger visa requirements.
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Bahamas
- Barbados
- Belize
- Cayman Islands
- Dominica
- Grenada
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Jamaica
- Montserrat
- St. Kitts and Nevis
- St. Lucia
- St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Suriname
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Turks & Caicos
Information required for CARICOM APIS filings includes full names, date of birth, nationality, country of residence, and complete passport information for all onboard. More information on CARICOM APIS can be found in our article “CARICOM APIS – Rules for Business Aviation Operators to know.”
CIQ clearance normally occurs within the main terminal unless a fixed-base operator (FBO) with CIQ facilities is available. Clearance times are normally under 15-20 minutes unless the terminal is very congested. For a return to the U.S., CIQ pre-clearance is available at St. Thomas (TIST), St. Croix (TISX), and Aruba (TNCA) with pre-notification and during specified hours. However, these options are not used frequently as many operators find it just as easy, or easier, to clear stateside.
Agriculture requirements
At most island airports, disposal of any open catering upon arrival is common, except for international tech stops. There may be options at some locations to store onboard catering with your ground handler, but this must be confirmed in advance and depends on appropriate storage facilities being available.
Hotel options
Crew accommodation options routinely run out at popular island destinations during peak season. This is particularly true for short-notice operations or in the case of short-notice schedule changes. Crew accommodations, if you can find them, can run from 300 to over 800 USD/night, with cancellation policies more stringent during high season, often with no option to refund bookings. When arranging high-season crew accommodations, it’s important to book early, understand the cancellation policy, and have contingency options ready. In some cases, the crew may be able to take an inter-island flight or boat to a nearby island where accommodations may be available.
Local transport
Depending on the distance of the hotel from the airport, the crew may be able to use ground handler transport or hotel shuttles to reach their destination. Pre-paid transport (car with driver), rental cars, and public taxis are also viable and safe options on the islands. However, be aware that preferred suppliers and vehicle types may be in short supply. Additionally, on smaller Caribbean islands, there may be very few local transport choices available.
Security considerations
Airport security at larger airports in this region is adequate, and it’s rare for operators to request dedicated aircraft guards. Additional caution is advised, however, at certain smaller airports as there may not be 24-hour airport security or surveillance. If an aircraft guard is desired, this can be arranged at most island destinations with advance notification. While this region is relatively safe regarding off-airport security, there are higher threat areas to be aware of—your ground handler can provide guidance here.
Traveling with pets and weapons
Generally, there are no issues with traveling with a pet as long as the animal has proper health and immunization records and its arrival has been pre-notified. Some islands, particularly former British islands such as Barbados, have more stringent requirements regarding temporary pet importation. It’s best to review all applicable requirements well in advance of the day of operation if you’re traveling with a personal animal companion.
Hurricane season runs from early June through late October and does not usually impact peak season operations. During the high season, few weather challenges or issues are impacting this part of the world.
For any short notice or a last-minute trip to the Caribbean during peak season, the top considerations are securing parking and crew accommodations. As it may not always be possible to obtain parking and accommodations at certain islands during peak season, operators should have contingency plans in place and be prepared to reposition. Consider permit requirements for charter operators and appropriate lead time. For any last-minute plans during super-peak travel periods, aircraft repositions are always an option to allow passengers to maintain their intended destinations according to their preferred schedule.
When operating in the Caribbean, top-of-mind awareness items include parking, hotel, and fuel availability. But, even during super peak travel periods, it’s usually possible to drop, go and reposition so that passengers get to their intended destinations on schedule.
Caribbean Country-by-Country Cheat Sheet
Here’s a quick reference guide for some of the most popular airports for accessing the Caribbean:
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
For a comprehensive guide on operating to Costa Rica during peak season, please see our Costa Rica Business Aviation Parking Restrictions Guide for 2024 Peak Season. |
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
The capacity management system remains in effect, featuring slot times assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. For operations between November 2024 and January 2025, with particular emphasis on the period from December 15, 2024, to January 10, 2025, operators are strongly advised to submit their requests as early as possible to secure preferred slots.
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |
More detailed mission planning intelligence is available in Feasibility-IQ or by contacting your Universal Trip Support Team. |