2023 Genoa International Boat Show: Business Aviation Planning Guide

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Salone Nautico Internazionale di Genova (Genoa International Boat Show) is one of the world’s premier boat shows and will be held September 21-26 this year in Genoa.

2023 marks the 63rd year of the event. It is expected to draw a large number of business aviation operators, making an already congested region even more challenging to operate in and out of.

The event coincides with Med peak season, and traffic across the region is currently at all-time highs, making planning as far advance as possible essential. Here’s what you need to know:

Genoa International Boat Show

The Genoa Boat Show is an extremely popular event, drawing more than 280,000 spectators on average annually. It is the largest event on the Mediterranean and features 200,000 square meters of display on land and sea. Nautical tourism has a long tradition along the Italian Riviera, and Genoa has a history of being associated with the ship and yacht building industry.

Owing to the popularity of nautical tourism along the Italian Riviera and Genoa’s history as a city long associated with the ship and yacht building industry, the 63rd annual Genoa Boat Show promises to be a popular and well-attended event. The event occurs during peak season for business aviation, which will strain local infrastructure and service providers. Work with your 3rd-party provider as early as possible to arrange hotel accommodations, aircraft parking, and services.

Here’s what you need to know:

Genoa Boat Show Airport Options

Genoa (LIMJ) is the primary airport for Genoa. LIMJ is a 24/7 airport of entry (AOE) with Customs available from 0200-2230 UTC. No GAT is available at LIMJ.

While airport slots and prior permission required (PPR) are not necessary for this location, aircraft parking will likely be very limited during this busy period. Therefore, it’s recommended that aircraft parking be requested as soon as you have a firm schedule. All services at LIMJ can be arranged on credit, and contract fuel is available at this location. For customs clearance, international cabin waste may be offloaded for an extra charge.

Alternate parking locations

Universal Aviation Italy can support your mission to the Genoa International Boat Show.

In the event aircraft parking is not available at LIMJ, other nearby airports to consider include Milan Linate (LIML), Milan Malpensa (LIMC), and Turin (LIMF). Complete services and contract fuel are available at all of these locations. Drive time from LIML to Genoa is approximately one hour 40 minutes, while it’s closer to a two-hour drive from LIMC to Genoa harbor. LIML, LIMC, and LIMF are 24-hour airports with no airport slots or PPR required.

Charter flights require landing permits

While private (non-revenue) flights do not require landing permits, charter (non-scheduled commercial) operations do. If you’ve operated a charter flight to Italy within the past two years landing permit lead time is seven working days. Anticipate a permit lead time of 45 days if this is your first charter trip to Italy or if it’s been more than two years since you’ve operated there. Documentation required with landing permit request includes Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC), registration and airworthiness certificates, and worldwide insurance with specific wording and format to satisfy Ente Nazionale per L’Aviazone (Italian Civil Aviation Authority or ENAC). ENAC also requires a completed Foreign Operator’s Questionnaire, which must be submitted directly by the charter operator.

Parking limitations exist for charter operations

The maximum time permitted on the ground for charter operators at LIMJ, LIML, LIMC, LIMF, or any other Italian airports is, by regulation, 36 hours. In addition, ENAC restricts charter operators to only one stop in Italy. However, you may be permitted by request to land at more than one location provided that the same passengers and no additional passengers embark or disembark the aircraft within Italy. There’s an exception to the rule in the event that a charter operator must reposition due to a lack of aircraft parking availability at the requested destination. It’s recommended that operators work with an experienced 3rd-party provider to assist with Italian charter landing permit requests.

Plan hotel and local transport arrangements as early as possible

Many good hotel options are available in the LIMJ, LIML, and LIMC areas, including popular large chain hotels. LIMF has more limited hotel options. We recommend booking 4- or 5-star hotels as early as possible due to high demand over the Genoa Boat Show period. As this show features assorted venues, including the harbor and parts of the old town, you’ll need to make local transportation arrangements when attending the Genoa Boat Show. Again, it’s essential to book early due to increased local demand. Rental vehicles are available at all four airports. It’s recommended, however, that you avoid rental vehicles if you’re unfamiliar with the area due to traffic issues and possible road closures during the event period. Prepaid local transport (car with driver) is the preferred option for many business aircraft operators.


Due to increased demand for aircraft parking, hotel accommodation, and local transportation services, booking arrangements for the Genoa Boat Show week as early as possible is advisable. Last-minute arrangements, however, will be possible with the coordination of your 3rd-party provider and local ground handler, although you may have to reposition the aircraft and not have access to preferred hotel options. When operating to Italy, it’s essential to be aware of noise regulations as well as tax implications for more extended stays. In addition, first-time charter operators to Italy need to prepare for long lead times associated with Italian charter permits.

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