BizAv Trip Planning: G20 Summit in Hamburg: Airports, Alternates, Parking & Special Considerations

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This is a post by author Matthias Dlugosch. Matthias is the Station Manager at HAS Hamburg Aviation Service GmbH which is part of GAS German Aviation Service, a Universal Aviation® Certified ground handler, which has ground handling offices in Berlin-Schonefeld, Berlin-Tegel, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt-Main, Frankfurt-Egelsbach, Hamburg, Leipzig, and Stuttgart. Matthias is an expert on business aircraft operations in Germany and can be contacted at .

The G20 Summit takes place July 7-8, hosted in Hamburg as the culmination of the German G20 presidency. A large turnout of diplomatic/VIP flights are expected, together with support flights carrying delegations/equipment. Business aircraft operators traveling to Hamburg (EDDH) during the G20 Summit period should be prepared for elevated security procedures and longer than normal times for some services, fuel uplifts, and customs, immigration and quarantine (CIQ) clearance.

The following is an overview of what you need to know:

1. Primary airport

EDDH is primary airport for this event. While this is a 24-hour airport of entry (AOE), with 24/7 ground handler availability, CIQ clearance is normally available only 0600-2259 local.

2. Restrictions and closures

Note that general aviation (GA) flights not associated with the G20 will not be accepted at EDDH July 1-9. Otherwise, the airfield will continue business-as-usual operations with no plans for airport closures. During the G20 period there will be a specific area on Apron 2 where all protocols, handling and parking coordination take place. All relevant updates and restrictions will be published via NOTAMs. Be mindful that EDDH cannot be selected as an alternate aerodrome for flight planning purposes July 1-9.

3. Access considerations

During the G20 all operators to EDDH require both special airport slots and prior permission required (PPR). Note that an approved PPR is needed, even during normal operating periods, in order to obtain an airport slot. Your ground handler can provide you with a PPR request form and forward the completed form to airport authorities. Note that once your PPR is approved, airport slots will be obtained automatically.

4. Special airport slots

Airport authorities will allocate special G20 arrival and departure slots, and they’ve assured parking availability for all expected primary aircraft of participating leaders. Any additional and backup aircraft, carrying delegates or equipment, will likely need to reposition after dropping passengers/equipment at EDDH and will be permitted to reposition back to EDDH after the summit. EDDH has determined certain time frames for offloading passengers/equipment before repositioning.

5. Support services and crew accommodations

Ground handling services and support will continue as normal during the G20 period. Most hotel accommodations in Hamburg and surrounding cities are fully booked at this time. But, it’s still possible to source crew accommodations some distance away. For example, crew accommodations may still be available at Kiel and Lubeck 53 and 33 miles from Hamburg, respectively.

6. Alternate airports

Best alternate for those traveling to the G20 but unable to confirm parking at EDDH is Berlin Schoenfeld (EDDB), 179 miles and 35 minutes flight time from EDDH. This location has a general aviation terminal (GAT) with full GA support services, a dedicated GA fuel truck, and plenty of parking. Hotel availability is good in this area, crew transport can be arranged, and VIP catering options are possible.

7. EDDB slots, PPRs and landing permits

EDDB is an AOE that does not mandate PPR, but it does require airport slots. Landing permits are not needed for private non-revenue flights, but they are required for non-EU charter (non-schedule commercial) operations.

8. Charter landing permits

Any flight from a non-EU charter operator to or from Germany requires a charter permit issued by the German Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) also known as the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA). Note that this government authority is strict and maintains a time sensitive process requiring substantial lead time and documentation from the operator. Note that landing permits are not required for diplomatic flights.

Read more: Charter Flight Operations to Germany: Landing Permits 101

9. Additional information

Below you will find links to official sites


If you’re traveling to EDDH for the G20 it’s important to note the restrictions that are being imposed to the airport due to the official delegations for this event. Parking will likely need to be outside of EDDH unless it’s an official flight. Be aware that certain service delays may be possible and time should be allowed for additional security procedures.


If you have any questions about this article or would like assistance planning your next trip to Germany, contact me at

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